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Bacteria Microbes for healthy livestock a picture of a robustly healthy rooster, cow, pig and hay crop

Bacteria Microbes For Healthy Livestock & Crops

Use Biosa Bacteria Microbes: Increase Profits, Improve Health, Improve Soil Bacteria Microbes when used in livestock operations and crop production. increase profits, livestock/crop health, and sustainability. Organic growers will rejoice! Commercial growers/producers will be amazed! After all these years of using Terra Biosa I am still in awe of these

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Water aeration using weighted sinking hose in a stream

Biosa & Water Aeration: Simplicity made Efficient

Water aeration is key to facilitating rapid growth of the bacteria colonies. This allows Biosa to rapidly increase its colonies which enables the Biosa organisms to out compete the detrimental organisms. Aeration also provides an aerobic environment which is much healthy than an anaerobic environment. Water aeration with diffusion tubing.

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Image showing a 500 ml bottle of Terra Biosa. Terra Biosa was extended to create 30 liters of product to use for the animal husbandry in the presentationment, gardens, crops, soil, manure and water

7 Benefits of Beneficial Bacteria for Your Garden

For a beneficial bacteria powerhouse, grab a bottle of Terra Biosa and watch your plants grow. 7 benefits of Beneficial Bacteria Below are 2 charts. The first chart shows the different potting soils used, a control group, and the beneficial bacteria used. The second chart shows the temperatures: the high

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Compost Bin picture showing trench composting, barrel composting, pallet compost bin and wire compost bin

9 Easy Ways To Build A Compost Bin

A compost bin offers a simple solution for turning waste from your kitchen, yard, and garden into healthy, nutritious, living soil. Living soil is filled with a robust, diverse communities of beneficial microbes. These microbes are responsible for the nutrient uptake of plants and as well they also build relationships

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picture of a santevia water filtration system with the words I love my santevia

My Santevia Water Filtration System is the Best

Healthy water right from your tap!! No need for plastic water bottles.  I absolutely love my Santevia water filtration system!! Santevia water filtration system gives you Healthy living water right from your tap that is chlorine and fluoride free. Filters out giardia and soluble iron. Counter Top Model Awesome Healthy

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Partner Up workshop Logo depicting a horse and human head touching at the forehead with the words Trust, Honesty, Acceptance and Willingness inside a magical crystal ball

Unbridled Fear Wreaking Havoc

With all the fear and uncertainty during the time of Covid-19, it is very important for each of us to make a conscious effort to be aware of what is happening involuntarily (without conscious awareness) inside our bodies. Here are 3 examples: Every thought that travels through our minds has

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Hypothyroidism Symptoms. a picture showing the thyroid gland in the neck

Hypothyroidism Symptoms-Life of Hell

The symptoms of hypothyroidism (a low functioning thyroid)  are numerous and the health impacts are far reaching. I lived and suffered with most of these symptoms for years,  and was never diagnosed by a physician.:( I am sharing what I have learned in my thyroid wellness journey. This post is

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Nitric Oxide--The best kept secret for cardiovascular disease A picture of the human body showing the heart with an enlarged blocked artery

Nitric Oxide—A Well Kept Secret for Cardiovascular Health

 Cardiovascular disease cannot be predicted by the size or shape of our bodies, our exercise routines or eating habits. this has become very apparent after performing many cardio screens using our DPA  cardio screen machine. (The Digital Pulse Analyzer is manufactured by Meridian and is a FDA and Health Canada

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For body and spirit

If you want to feel better and enhance the quality of your life, we can help. Our Biosa, Innotech Nutrition and Vollara products will boost your physical health and improve your state of mind.